The boundary is shown in blue on the map below. Following consultation with the affected households, we include Fern Hill but exclude Shoreside and Kincora Close. Proposed grass cutting areas shown in green. This is less than originally anticipated as:

  • Fern Hill wish to continue their existing arrangements for grass cutting and maintenance of shrubbery.

  • Many residents want to continue looking after verges and open spaces close to their homes.

Some residents have asked us to clarify the criteria we use to decide which grass should be cut from your contribution. In general we expect all householders to cut the grass outside their own homes. This applies to both owned and rented houses.

  • The residents committee will coordinate cutting of grass :

  • In shared open spaces not directly associated with a single home

  • Where houses have frontage on two or more roads, we will look after one of the verges.

  • Where due to Council planning decisions, a house has an exceptionally large grass verge.


  • Where no civic minded resident volunteers to maintain the space.

Maintaining Our Estate