Cullenagh Residents Committee
In this third 'edition' of the website, the Cullenagh Residents' Committee is laying out our vision for the future of the Cullenagh estate and our plans for achieving this vision
Welcome to the Cullenagh Residents Website
Aerial photography of Cullenagh courtesy of David Gaughan, Ballina
Health and Safety
Infrastructure Maintenance
We want the Cullenagh estate to be a safe environment for everyone. There are still safety risks within the estate. The committee has provided a list of known risks to the Council and are monitoring their action.However, the greatest risk is excess speed on our roads. The goal is a estate speed limit of 30 KPH. Our preference is to achieve this without introduction of physical traffic calming measures. We plan to introduce road signage and engage in communication/education. However, if this doesn't work, our kids lives take priority over our car axles, so watch out for the speed bumps.
Previous action by the Residents Committee and residents have resulted in improvements to roads, street lighting and water supply. This eventually led to Tipperary County Council 'Taking the estate in Charge' in Autumn 2015. Irish Water took responsibility for our water supply shortly afterwards . Our roads, footpaths, street lighting, water supply, surface water and foul sewers are now being managed to the same standard as elsewhere in the county. The challenge is that we are now competing with all the other estates in Tipperary for funding maintenance and improvement of infrastructure. One of the key roles of your Residents Committee is to vocally represent the interests of the Cullenagh estate to the council and other state bodies.
Landscaping and management of open spaces
The Residents' Committee in consultation with residents have identified 8 projects for the improvement of the estate.View Map showing the location of the projects that are under consideration by the Residents CommitteeClick Here for a description of the projects that are under considerationThis is a multi-year plan. Not all projects will be progressed in 2021. Only project 3; "Upgrade of verge in Lakelands" is currently underway. The priority of the remaining projects will be driven by the interest shown by residents and their willingness to 'get stuck in' and help.
Improvement of the visual appearance of the estate and access to green areas is a priority. On paper, the Council should be maintaining the verges and green areas within the estate. However, this is not a priority for them. The Council may take responsibility for green areas in high density estates with limited green areas but estates such as Cullenagh are not a priority. They are however supportive of us maintaining and improving verges and managing the green areas.Some roads already jointly fund grass cutting and landscaping projects. Many other residents voluntarily maintain the verges outside their homes, but many verges taken over by the Council are not maintained. We propose to centrally fund grass cutting of existing grass verges. We will include the verges that are laid to grass over time and will manage these as well. This is described in the project section.
Map showing the the boundaries of the cullenagh estate and the verges and areas of shrubbery that will be maintained from your voluntary contribution
We believe that Cullenagh has the potential to be the finest estate in County Tipperary. The estate infrastructure is at last fit for purpose and properly managed. We now need to improve the visual appearance of the estate to complement the beautiful scenery that surrounds us and grow our feeling of community within the estate.
The Residents Committee propose an action plan to address the following;
Grass cutting and maintenance of existing verges and shrubbery
Landscaping of unmanaged areas to create new verges and access to our green areas
Working with Tipperary County Council and the Utility Companies to address remaining safety hazards within the estate
Creation of amenities for the improvement of life within the estate
Development of a sense of community
All this takes money. We normally propose an annual voluntary payment of €70 per household per year to fund estate maintenance and improvement. However for 2021, in recognition of the financial impact of COVID-19 on many families, this payment has been reduced to €50.
The Detail
The Residents' committee monitors planning applications on the estate and will make submissions to the Council. We will also coordinate community action in where necessary if proposed planning is to the detriment of our vision for the estate. In general, our focus is multi unit planning, not on private development of individual plots although we have, and will in future, argue against the sub-division of plots. Our goal is for the remaining sites within the estate to be developed quickly with low density family homes of good quality that respect their neighbours in terms of size and position. These principles were captured in the Cullenagh Master Plan developed by the Council. The fine detail of planning will change, but the principles of the Cullenagh Master Plan remain our "Holy Grail".
Over the years, plans for the estate have included recreational amenities for residents (tennis courts, jetty, playgrounds, cycle paths). We would seek inclusion of amenities for residents in future plans; if opportunities arise to achieve this, we will consult with residents to decide which amenities are most suitable for the estate.
We want Cullenagh to be more than a dormitory estate housing families working in Limerick and beyond. We want to promote a sense of community within the estate and a sense of belonging to the wider community of Ballina/Killaloe.The committee will seek out and promote activities that bring the resident together as a community.
Cullenagh Residents Committee